Why do great writers go unpublished?

The answer is simple: it’s usually because they don’t finish their novels. The Art of Storytelling was created to help you go from writing beautiful fragments to completing a novel you can self-publish or pitch to agents.


Learn how to gain a clear vision for your project even before you begin so your story writes itself.


Tap into your personal voice so readers stay captivated from the first word you write.


Craft a writing ritual that gets you quickly into flowstate so you're productive every time you put pen to paper.

About the Course

This course is the product of my own writing journey. After decades of regimented writing and 7 years devoted to trying to finish my first novel, I finally implemented a few key writing practices that completely transformed my writing process to the point where I authored and published:

  • 7 award-winning fantasy books
  • 3 non-fiction books
  • A TV script that is being looked at by Netflix
  • A full-length classical music libretto

all within the course of 6 years. And I was also juggling other commitments teaching music, raising a family, and conducting a choir.

The Art of Storytelling synthesizes the practices that transformed my writing life. I also include targeted writing exercises to ensure concepts translate to your own writing. The techniques you’ll learn in this course are a combination of my personal experience and the most helpful tips I learned from reading just about every writing book out there and spending literally thousands of dollars on writing courses.


  • Know where your story is going even before you start writing it 
  • Turn ideas into stories that sell
  • Understand the mechanics that make writing compelling
  • Have the tools to craft an engaging narrative flow
  • Beat writer’s block for good
  • Go from feeling “busy” writing unusable scraps… to finishing your book


This is a self-paced, independent course designed for advanced beginners writing in fiction and narrative non-fiction genres, but the principles I teach are applicable to any genre.

Open for Enrollment

About Nicholas Kotar

Deacon Nicholas Kotar is the author of six award-winning fantasy books, three non-fiction books, a TV script that is being looked at by Netflix, and a full-length classical music libretto. He is also a translator of Russian fairy tales, a teacher of creative writing, and a speaker whose engagements have taken him throughout the United States to present on classical education, storytelling, and Russian literature, history, and culture.


Story ideas started to pour out of me like a fountain.

Robert, Kentucky

The video conferences were well paced and long enough to delve into analysis of each exercise. Which was much appreciated and enjoyable.

Nina, California

Despite having both taken and taught several years of creative writing courses already, The Art of Storytelling gave me new and practical tools for writing in a more engaging manner, and it also gave me the right insights to build a more effective daily writing routine. Not only did this course help me bring a several-year-long novel to completion, but it also reminded me that writing is play.

Deacon Nicholas Kotar is the perfect writing guide; it’s obvious that he has been a writing student himself and has distilled the best advice from a wide array of writing masters. I highly recommend The Art of Storytelling to anyone looking to kickstart or actualize their writing career.

Anna, Colorado